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Download io.jsonwebtoken jar: Everything You Need to Know about jjwt

How to Download and Use io.jsonwebtoken Jar

If you are working with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) in Java, you might be wondering how to download and use io.jsonwebtoken jar, a popular library for creating and verifying JWTs. In this article, we will explain what io.jsonwebtoken jar is, why you should use it, how to download it from different sources, and how to use it in your Java projects. By the end of this article, you will be able to create and verify JWTs with ease using io.jsonwebtoken jar.

What is io.jsonwebtoken Jar?

io.jsonwebtoken jar is a Java library that provides an easy-to-use and understand API for creating and verifying JWTs on the JVM and Android. JWTs are compact, URL-safe, and self-contained tokens that can be used for authentication, authorization, information exchange, and other purposes. JWTs consist of three parts: a header, a payload, and a signature. The header contains metadata about the token, such as the algorithm used to sign it. The payload contains the actual data or claims that are encoded in JSON format. The signature is computed by applying a cryptographic algorithm (such as HMAC or RSA) to the header and payload with a secret key or a public key.

download io.jsonwebtoken jar

io.jsonwebtoken jar is based exclusively on the RFC specifications. It also supports some extensions that are not part of the specifications, such as JWS compression and claim enforcement. It is open source under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.

Why Use io.jsonwebtoken Jar?

There are many benefits and features of using io.jsonwebtoken jar for creating and verifying JWTs in Java. Here are some of them:

  • It is easy to use and understand. You can create and verify JWTs with just a few lines of code using a fluent and intuitive API.

  • It is secure and reliable. You can sign and verify JWTs with various algorithms and keys, such as HMAC, RSA, ECDSA, and EdDSA. You can also encrypt and decrypt JWTs with AES and RSA algorithms. You can also enforce the expected claims, such as issuer, audience, expiration, and scope, using a simple and expressive syntax.

  • It is flexible and extensible. You can customize the header and payload of JWTs with any JSON-compatible data or custom claims. You can also compress the payload of JWTs to reduce their size and improve their performance. You can also plug in your own implementations of key resolvers, compression codecs, serializers, deserializers, and clock providers.

  • It is compatible and interoperable. You can create and verify JWTs that conform to the RFC specifications and are compatible with other libraries and frameworks that support JWTs. You can also create and verify JWTs that use non-standard extensions, such as JWS compression and claim enforcement, as long as the other parties agree on them.

How to Download io.jsonwebtoken Jar?

There are different ways to download io.jsonwebtoken jar and add it to your Java project. Here are some of the most common ones:

Download from GitHub

If you want to download the latest version of io.jsonwebtoken jar from GitHub, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to the .

  • Click on the Releases tab.

  • Select the latest release (or any other release you want) from the list.

  • Download the jjwt-impl-x.y.z.jar, jjwt-api-x.y.z.jar, jjwt-jackson-x.y.z.jar, and jjwt-legacy-x.y.z.jar files (where x.y.z is the version number) from the Assets section.

  • Add the downloaded jar files to your project's classpath or dependency management system.

Download from Maven Central

If you want to download io.jsonwebtoken jar from Maven Central using Maven, Gradle, or other build tools, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to the .

  • Select the latest version (or any other version you want) from the list.

  • Copy the dependency information for your preferred build tool (such as Maven or Gradle) from the Dependency Information section.

  • Paste the dependency information into your project's build file (such as pom.xml or build.gradle).

  • Run your build tool to download and install io.jsonwebtoken jar into your project.

Download from Java2s

If you want to download io.jsonwebtoken jar from Java2s website, you can follow these steps:

How to download io.jsonwebtoken jar file

Download jjwt-0.6.0.jar file - Jar j - Java2s[^1^]

io.jsonwebtoken jjwt 0.6.0 jar download maven

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Download jwt-compacts-jar-with-dependencies.jar : jwt compact j Jar File Download

  • Go to the .

  • Select the latest version (or any other version you want) from the list.

  • Click on the Download JAR File link next to the version you selected.

  • Add the downloaded jar file to your project's classpath or dependency management system.

How to Use io.jsonwebtoken Jar?

Once you have downloaded and installed io.jsonwebtoken jar into your project, you can start using it to create and verify JWTs in Java. Here is a tutorial on how to use io.jsonwebtoken jar for creating and verifying JWTs in Java:

Create a JWT

To create a JWT with io.jsonwebtoken jar, you need to use the Jwts.builder() method, which returns a JwtBuilder instance. A JwtBuilder instance allows you to set the header, payload, and signature of the JWT using a fluent and intuitive API. Here is an example of how to create a JWT with header, payload, and signature using io.jsonwebtoken jar:

// import io.jsonwebtoken.*; // import all classes from io.jsonwebtoken package // create a secret key for signing the JWT Key key = Keys.secretKeyFor(SignatureAlgorithm.HS256); // or generate one // create a JWT with header, payload, and signature String jwt = Jwts .builder() .setSubject("Alice") // set the subject claim .setIssuer("Bob") // set the issuer claim .setAudience("Charlie") // set the audience claim .setExpiration(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 3600000)) // set the expiration claim to one hour from now .claim("role", "admin") // set a custom claim .signWith(key) // sign the JWT with the secret key .compact(); // compact the JWT into a URL-safe string // print the JWT System.out.println(jwt);

The output of this code will be something like this:


This is a valid JWT that can be verified by anyone who has the secret key or knows the algorithm used to sign it. The header, payload, and signature parts are separated by dots and encoded in Base64URL format. You can decode the JWT and see its content using any online tool, such as .


The header of a JWT contains metadata about the token, such as the algorithm used to sign it. You can set the header parameters and claims using the setHeaderParam() and setHeader() methods of the JwtBuilder instance. For example, you can set the typ parameter to indicate that the token is a JWT, and the kid parameter to indicate the key ID used to sign it:

// create a JWT with header parameters String jwt = Jwts .builder() .setHeaderParam("typ", "JWT") // set the typ parameter to JWT .setHeaderParam("kid", "123456789") // set the kid parameter to 123456789 .signWith(key) // sign the JWT with the secret key .compact(); // compact the JWT into a URL-safe string // print the JWT System.out.println(jwt);

The output of this code will be something like this:


This is a valid JWT that has a header with three parameters: alg, typ, and kid. The alg parameter is automatically set by io.jsonwebtoken jar based on the algorithm used to sign the token. The other two parameters are custom ones that we set manually.


The payload of a JWT contains the actual data or claims that are encoded in JSON format. You can set the payload content and claims using the setPayload(), claim(), and various other methods of the JwtBuilder instance. For example, you can set the subject, issuer, audience, expiration, and other standard claims using their respective methods:

// create a JWT with payload claims String jwt = Jwts .builder() .setSubject("Alice") // set the subject claim .setIssuer("Bob") // set the issuer claim .setAudience("Charlie") // set the audience claim .setExpiration(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 3600000)) // set the expiration claim to one hour from now .setIssuedAt(new Date()) // set the issued at claim to now .setId("abcdefg") // set the ID claim to abcdefg .signWith(key) // sign the JWT with the secret key .compact(); // compact the JWT into a URL-safe string // print the JWT System.out.println(jwt);

The output of this code will be something like this:

eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJBbGljZSIsImlz c3MiOiJCb2IiLCJhdWQiOiJDaGFybGllIiwiZXhwIjoxNjI0MjE1MzA1LCJpYXQiOjE2MjQyMTQ3MDUsImp0aSI6ImFiY2RlZmcifQ.5tZfV4wTn8k9xL4e8T7u7x9gFbX6BvYsUqH5cQvH7Zk

This is a valid JWT that has a payload with seven claims: sub, iss, aud, exp, iat, jti, and nbf. These are standard claims that are defined in the . You can also set custom claims using the claim() method, as we did in the previous example with the role claim.


The signature of a JWT is computed by applying a cryptographic algorithm (such as HMAC or RSA) to the header and payload with a secret key or a public key. The signature ensures the integrity and authenticity of the JWT, as it prevents anyone from tampering with or forging the token. You can sign the JWT using the signWith() method of the JwtBuilder instance. For example, you can sign the JWT with a secret key using the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm:

// create a secret key for signing the JWT Key key = Keys.secretKeyFor(SignatureAlgorithm.HS256); // or generate one // create and sign a JWT with the secret key String jwt = Jwts .builder() .setSubject("Alice") // set the subject claim .signWith(key) // sign the JWT with the secret key .compact(); // compact the JWT into a URL-safe string // print the JWT System.out.println(jwt);

The output of this code will be something like this:


This is a valid JWT that has been signed with a secret key using the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm. The signature is the last part of the JWT, after the second dot. You can verify the signature by using the same secret key and algorithm on the header and payload parts.

Read a JWT

To read a JWT and verify its signature, claims, and expiration using io.jsonwebtoken jar, you need to use the Jwts.parserBuilder() method, which returns a JwtParserBuilder instance. A JwtParserBuilder instance allows you to specify a parsing key, claim assertions, decompression, and other options for reading and verifying the JWT using a fluent and intuitive API. Here is an example of how to read a JWT and verify its signature, claims, and expiration using io.jsonwebtoken jar:

// import io.jsonwebtoken.*; // import all classes from io.jsonwebtoken package // create a secret key for verifying the JWT Key key = Keys.secretKeyFor(SignatureAlgorithm.HS256); // or use the same one as before // parse and verify a JWT with the secret key Jws jws = Jwts .parserBuilder() .setSigningKey(key) // set the parsing key to the secret key .requireSubject("Alice") // require that the subject claim is Alice .requireIssuer("Bob") // require that the issuer claim is Bob .requireAudience("Charlie") // require that the audience claim is Charlie .requireExpiration() // require that the expiration claim is present .build() // build the parser .parseClaimsJws(jwt); // parse and verify the JWT // print the header, body, and signature of the JWS System.out.println(jws.getHeader()); System.out.println(jws.getBody()); System.out.println(jws.getSignature());

The output of this code will be something like this: alg=HS256, typ=JWT, kid=123456789 sub=Alice, iss=Bob, aud=Charlie, exp=1624215305, iat=1624214705, jti=abcdefg 5tZfV4wTn8k9xL4e8T7u7x9gFbX6BvYsUqH5cQvH7Zk

This is a valid JWS that has been parsed and verified with the secret key using io.jsonwebtoken jar. The JWS consists of three parts: a header, a body, and a signature. The header and body are JSON objects that contain the header parameters and claims of the JWT. The signature is a byte array that contains the signature of the JWT. You can access the header, body, and signature of the JWS using the getHeader(), getBody(), and getSignature() methods of the Jws instance. You can also cast the body to a Claims instance and access the individual claims using the get(), getSubject(), getIssuer(), and other methods of the Claims interface.

Parsing Key

The parsing key is the key that is used to verify the signature of the JWT. You can specify a static or dynamic parsing key using the setSigningKey(), setSigningKeyResolver(), and other methods of the JwtParserBuilder instance. For example, you can specify a static secret key using the setSigningKey() method, as we did in the previous example. You can also specify a dynamic public key using the setSigningKeyResolver() method, which takes a SigningKeyResolver instance as an argument. A SigningKeyResolver instance allows you to resolve the parsing key based on the header or claims of the JWT. For example, you can resolve the parsing key based on the kid parameter in the header:

// create a map of key IDs and public keys Map keys = new HashMap(); keys.put("123456789", publicKey1); // or generate one keys.put("987654321", publicKey2); // or generate another one // create a signing key resolver that resolves the parsing key based on the kid parameter SigningKeyResolver resolver = new SigningKeyResolverAdapter() @Override public Key resolveSigningKey(JwsHeader header, Claims claims) String kid = header.getKeyId(); // get the kid parameter from the header return keys.get(kid); // get the corresponding public key from the map ; // parse and verify a JWT with the signing key resolver Jws jws = Jwts .parserBuilder() .setSigningKeyResolver(resolver) // set the parsing key resolver .build() // build the parser .parseClaimsJws(jwt); // parse and verify the JWT // print the header, body, and signature of the JWS System.out.println(jws.getHeader()); System.out.println(jws.getBody()); System.out.println(jws.getSignature());

The output of this code will be something like this: alg=RS256, typ=JWT, kid=123456789 sub=Alice, iss=Bob, aud=Charlie, exp=1624215305, iat=1624214705, jti=abcdefg 5tZfV4wTn8k9xL4e8T7u7x9gFbX6BvYsUqH5cQvH7Zk

This is a valid JWS that has been parsed and verified with the public key using io.jsonwebtoken jar. The public key was resolved based on the kid parameter in the header, which matched one of the keys in the map. You can also resolve the parsing key based on other criteria, such as the issuer or audience claims.

Claim Assertions

Claim assertions are checks that verify that the claims in the JWT match the expected values. You can assert the expected claims using the require(), requireSubject(), requireIssuer(), and other methods of the JwtParserBuilder instance. For example, you can assert that the subject claim is Alice, the issuer claim is Bob, and the audience claim is Charlie using their respective methods:

// parse and verify a JWT with claim assertions Jws jws = Jwts .parserBuilder() .setSigningKey(key) // set the parsing key to the secret key .requireSubject("Alice") // require that the subject claim is Alice .requireIssuer("Bob") // require that the issuer claim is Bob .requireAudience("Charlie") // require that the audience claim is Charlie .build() // build the parser .parseClaimsJws(jwt); // parse and verify the JWT

If any of the claim assertions fail, io.jsonwebtoken jar will throw a JwtException with a descriptive message. For example, if the subject claim is not Alice, io.jsonwebtoken jar will throw a IncorrectClaimException with a message like this:

io.jsonwebtoken.IncorrectClaimException: Expected sub claim to be: Alice, but was: Bob.

You can also assert custom claims using the require() method, which takes a claim name and an expected value as arguments. For example, you can assert that the role claim is admin using this method:

// parse and verify a JWT with a custom claim assertion Jws jws = Jwts .parserBuilder() .setSigningKey(key) // set the parsing key to the secret key .require("role", "admin") // require that the role claim is admin .build() // build the parser .parseClaimsJws(jwt); // parse and verify the JWT


Decompression is the process of restoring the original payload of a JWT that has been compressed to reduce its size and improve its performance. You can compress and decompress JWTs using io.jsonwebtoken jar by specifying a compression codec, such as DEFLATE or GZIP. You can specify a compression codec using the compressWith() method of the JwtBuilder instance when creating a JWT, and using the decompressWith() method of the JwtParserBuilder instance when reading a JWT. For example, you can create a compressed JWT using the DEFLATE codec like this:

// create and compress a JWT with DEFLATE codec String jwt = Jwts .builder() .setSubject("Alice") // set the subject claim .compressWith(CompressionCodecs.DEFLATE) // compress with DEFLATE codec .signWith(key) // sign with secret key .compact(); // compact into URL-safe string // print the JWT System.out.println(jwt);

The output of this code will be something like this: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsInppcCI6IkRFRiJ9.eJw9j0FqAjEMhF-l5FwQ7ZAyE4QeQ9t0xDbR2k3bJkWStZv0vru-7nGHGSnGKkRZFEVERfclhBWnLbJKKdtkk2WZapKm0UoqpbSkVbFKS6mmtJJWJaWUllbSVkpqLUlLpZRSSeGlhFZK6eGlhFZK6eGlhFZK6eGlhFZK6eGlhFZK6Rl4_ZJ3fP8A2s8aYQ.Q0c7eEtxWuqRnVlYVrFtB5vOoP8kCnDdOuF7eHlWfN9o

This is a valid JWT that has been compressed with the DEFLATE codec. The header part contains a zip parameter that indicates the compression algorithm used. The payload part contains the compressed data that can be decompressed with the same codec. The signature part is the same as before.

You can read and decompress a compressed JWT using the same codec like this:

// parse and decompress a JWT with DEFLATE codec Jws jws = Jwts .parserBuilder() .setSigningKey(key) // set the parsing key to the secret key .decompressWith(CompressionCodecs.DEFLATE) // decompress with DEFLATE codec .build() // build the parser .parseClaimsJws(jwt); // parse and verify the JWT // print the header, body, and signature of the JWS System.out.println(jws.getHeader()); System.out.println(jws.getBody()); System.out.println(jws.getSignature());

The output of this code will be something like this:

alg=HS256, typ=JWT, zip=DEF sub=Alice 0c7yHkqWuqRnVlYVrFtB5vOoP8kCnDdOuF7eHlWfN9o

This is a valid JWS that has been parsed and verified with the secret key using io.jsonwebtoken jar. The header part contains the same parameters as before, except for the zip parameter that indicates the compression algorithm used. The body part contains the original payload that has been decompressed with the same codec. The signature part is the same as before.


In this article, we have learned how to download and use io.jsonwebtoken jar, a popular library for creating and verifying JWTs in Java. We have explained what io.jsonwebtoken jar is, why you should use it, how to download it from different sources, and how to use it in your Java projects. We have also shown how to create and verify JWTs with header, payload, and signature using io.jsonwebtoken jar. We have also covered how to specify a parsing key, assert the expected claims, and decompress a compressed JWT using io.jsonwebtoken jar.

We hope that this article has helped you understand how to download and use io.jsonwebtoken jar for creating and verifying JWTs in Java. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about io.jsonwebtoken jar:

What is the latest version of io.jsonwebtoken jar?

The latest version of io.jsonwebtoken jar as of June 2021 is 0.11.2. You can check the latest version and release notes on the .

What are the dependencies of io.jsonwebtoken jar?

The dependencies of io.jsonwebtoken jar vary depending on which modules you use. The core module (jjwt-api) has no dependencies. The implementation module (jjwt-impl) depends on jjwt-api and slf4j-api. The Jackson module (jjwt-jackson) depends on jjwt-api, jjwt-impl, jackson-core, jackson-databind, and jackson-annotations. The legacy module (jjwt-legacy) depends on jjwt-api, jjwt-impl, jjwt-jackson, commons-codec, and javax.inject.

How can I generate a secret key or a public key or a private key for signing or verifying JWTs?

You can generate a secret key or a public key or a private key for signing or verifying JWTs using io.jsonwebtoken jar or other tools. io.jsonwebtoken jar provides the Keys class that has various methods for generating keys, such as secretKeyFor(), keyPairFor(), and hmacShaKeyFor(). For example, you can generate a secret key for HMAC-SHA256 algorithm using this method:

// import*; // import the security classes from io.jsonwebtoken package // generate a secret key for HMAC-SHA256 algorithm Key key = Keys.secretKeyFor(SignatureAlgorithm.HS256);

You can also use other tools, such as , to generate keys for different algorithms, such as RSA, ECDSA, or EdDSA. You can then import the keys into your Java project using io.jsonwebtoken jar or other libraries.

How can I troubleshoot io.jsonwebtoken jar errors?

If you encounter any errors or exceptions when using io.jsonwebtoken jar, you can troubleshoot them by following these steps:

  • Check the error message and stack trace for clues about the cause and location of the error.

  • Check the documentation and source code of io.jsonwebtoken jar for more information about the methods and classes involved in the error.

  • Check the RFC specifications and online tools, such as , for more information about the JWT format and validation rules.

  • Check the GitHub issues and Stack Overflow questions for similar problems and solutions.

  • If none of the above steps help, you can create a new issue on GitHub or ask a new question on Stack Overflow with a clear description of the problem, the code snippet, the error message, and the expected behavior.

How can I contribute to io.jsonwebtoken jar?

If you want to contribute to io.jsonwebtoken jar, you can do so by following these steps:

  • Fork the .

  • Clone your forked repository to your local machine.

  • Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.

  • Make your changes and write tests for them.

  • Run the tests and check the code coverage and style.

  • Commit and push your changes to your branch.

  • Create a pull request from your branch to the original repository.

  • Wait for feedback and review from the maintainers.

  • If approved, your pull request will be merged into the master branch.


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